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Extracting Data from DB2 Connector Stage

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:36 am
by dsouza.adithfrancis
Hi ,
I Have been facing an issue when i use the DB2 Connector stage .
I have defined a user defined SQL Query which joins 4 tables each having approximately 1 million records .
Without partitioning , the query executed for a hour.

When i checked a few options to implenment parallelism in my Data stage job .
The Options checked withing DB2 Connector Stage
1. Enable Partition reads -- DB2 -- table 1(only 1 table mentioned here rather than 4).

Also , enabled read uncommited data .

With these options being checked within DB2 Connector stage , I am getting the below error message .

db2_extract_customerprice,0: SQLFetch reported: SQLSTATE = HY010: Native Error Code = -99,999: Msg = [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E Function sequence error. SQLSTATE=HY010 (CC_DB2DBStatement::dbsFetch, file CC_DB2DBStatement.cpp, line 1,510)

Thanks in Advance .
Francis Adith Dsouza

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:25 pm
by synsog
We faced the similar issue some time back and got resolution.When using connector stage. It tries to query some of the DB2 system views related to environment. Once after granting permission to the Application user id (datastage id) on the respective tables our issue got resolved.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:27 am
by ppgoml
synsog wrote:Hi,
We faced the similar issue some time back and got resolution.When using connector stage. It tries to query some of the DB2 system views related to environment. Once after granting permission to the Application user id (datastage id) on the respective tables our issue got resolved.
yes, here is a technical note for it. ... wg1JR37696

but I met the issue on as400, and no resolution found. any idea?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:36 am
by chulett
Not sure what you mean by "no resolution found"... the Local Fix section of the linked note contains the grants needed to resolve the problem, did they not correct it for you? Or does being on an AS400 somehow invalidate that solution? :?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:52 am
by ppgoml
chulett wrote:Not sure what you mean by "no resolution found"... the Local Fix section of the linked note contains the grants needed to resolve the problem, did they not correct it for you? Or does being on an AS400 somehow invalidate that solution? :?

I believe these system tables are for db2 luw, I cannot found them on AS400.