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NullToValue doesn't work

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:15 pm
by dougcl
Hi folks, I have a transformer stage after a bunch of left outer joins in order to apply null defaults. This is typical.

Each column in the transformer has a NullToValue call.

Unfortunately it rarely works. The problem appears to be that DataStage join does not populate fields with data that NullToValue recognizes as null if the join results in nulls.

For example, VarChar appears to get '' (a null string). NullToValue does not see this as a null, so using NullToValue does not work.

Is there some global parameter I can change that will make DataStage use the proper nulls, or make NullToValue recognize the nulls that DataStage is using?

Pretty frustrating.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:41 pm
by dougcl
Found the problem. One of the input links (not output) to the join had Nullable set to no. Not sure why this would affect the output, but whatever.

Sorry for the bandwidth.
