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XML input stage - Repetition element

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:58 am
by kurapatisrk

I am new to XML Stage. I have a XML file that has multiple customer details in which there are multiple repetition elements like classification, bank details, phone number. And in classification there are again multiple repetition elements like code, and type.

How do we capture the data from multiple levels?

I used Folder stage---->XML input Stage------->Seq file

Can somebody advice?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:14 am
by eostic
Start with some in the the the Best Practices guide on xml at Kim Duke's blog below...... get you started:

You need to import metadata for each of the repeating nodes from an XSD or from an existing document. Check only the lowest level boxes that you want to retrieve data from (that will become clear when you get into the xml metadata importer).

You will mark "one" of those lowest level columns as a key on your link.

Each repeating node you have will be (with potentially any parent info) on an output link by itself (one output link for each indepedently repeating node). Start with just one until you understand the behavior.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:47 am
by kurapatisrk
Thanks for the reply. I will read and get back.