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"dscapiop" operator: Error in node map

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:41 pm
by samyamkrishna

My Job design is like given below.


The ABAP Program is generated sucessfully.
The job is compiled sucessfully too.

But when i run the job i am getting the error


main_program: Syntax error: Error in "dscapiop" operator: Error in node map: Expected identifier or string, got: "0>", line 598; text: nodemap ( 0>

Expected IO redirection, pipe, semicolon, or end, got: "'AbapSAPEccDataSrc:LkFromAbapSAPEccDataSrc.v'", line 598; text: dscapiop

-charset ISO-8859-1


Is this error related the ABAP extract stage or with an environment file.

I searched the forum with "dscapiop" i found a few topics which mentioned about the entry in operator.apt file.

I looked in the file.The entry is dscapiop @dscapiop 1 which looks fine.

Please guide me.


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:04 am
by samyamkrishna
I just deleted everything and created teh job again its working fine now.

Dont know why it was aborting before though. :?