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Unable to install FixPack1 for IIS 8.1

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:03 pm
by adi_2_chaos

I have installed IIS 8.1.0 on Linux RHEL 5.3 64-bit server. Now when I'm trying to install Fixpack1 I'm getting the following error:
"com.ascential.dstage.compinstall.CIException: ASB login failure: unable
to authenticate username [isadmin].
at com.ascential.dstage.compinstall.CIException.Construct(Unknown
at com.ascential.dstage.compinstall.ComponentInstallerImpl.
initializeRepositoryInterface(Unknown Source)
at com.ascential.dstage.compinstall.ComponentInstallerImpl.Initialize
(Unknown Source)
at com.ascential.dstage.compinstall.ComponentInstallerImpl.
performActions(Unknown Source)
at com.ascential.dstage.compinstall.ComponentInstaller.main(Unknown
Caused by:
Invalid user name (isadmin) or password.

Additionally, when I installed WAS and IS, I opted for the custom registry configuration. Another question I have here is that do I need to map the application users (isadmin and wsadmin) to the OS level users (isadmin and wsadmin), just like we do for the datastage application user dsadm?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:26 am
by adi_2_chaos
Hi Werner,

Thanks for the reply.

We do have a WAS user (wsadmin) and an IS user (isadmin) with different passwords at the application level. Even my first thought was that the supplied credentials could have been wrong - but at the second go - i verified that I am able to login with the same WAS credentials into the WAS console, and with the same IS credentials into the IBM IS console.

During the FixPack1 installation, we are providing the WAS and IS credentials separately - however, the issue still persists. :?:

I would also want to check the authentication information data stored in the xmeta (we are using Oracle 11g on a different server) - is there a way I may scout into?

The product owner has advised me to use a lower version of the Update Installer (in the service request reply). Currently we are using UpdateInstaller8.1.0.188.

Just to give a brief background of what I'll steps I have covered so far:

1) Install WAS
2) Configured users for Metadata Repository in Oracle 11g
3) Installed IS 8.1.0
4) Trying to Install FixPack1

Currently, I am able to work with the 8.1.0 version on my machine - there hasnt been any problem in terms of WAS or IS usage.


Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:50 am
by wernerg_at
If you've double checked the credentials there is a different situation.

Just one additional thing that came to my mind:
Did you follow really all the steps mentioned in the Fix Pack 1 release notes and installation instructions? An important thing that may have something to do with your issue is that during the installation of fix pack 1 the ASB jre is replaced and you have to invoke updater.jar with different jre's depending on the operating system and tier. (either the one shipped with fix pack 1 and on aix-services tier the was jre).

@installation instructions
Important: This step is critical because Fix Pack 1 replaces the Java runtime in the ...\ASBNode\apps\jre directory.
Important: You must use the JRE that is included with Fix Pack 1. On AIX services tier only, you must use WebSphere Application Server JRE, not the JRE that is included with Fix Pack 1.

If this does not help, I would suggest to rely on the IBM Service Team for resolving this issue. And it would be great if you share your findings with the dsxchange-community.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:39 am
by adi_2_chaos

We used the Update Installer and it worked fine. We got this solution from IBM support team.


Update Installer No longer available

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:08 pm
by rstemphowski
We are having the exact same problem and the IBM website has the same resolution you used which is to use the version. However the link takes us right back to the version and we can't find the 176 version anywhere on IBM's site or anywhere on the web.

Has anyone else had this experience? We submitted a PMR to IBM and are waiting for a response.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:30 pm
by ray.wurlod
Perhaps Sriram could email it to you.

I did have this issue a couple of years back, but am no longer at that particular customer site. Nor can I recall where I found version 176 of the Update Installer.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:52 pm
by rstemphowski
The resolution of using Update Installer is no longer valid. Our client has very strict password policies which includes at least two special characters. It turns IBM does not allow most special characters per the following link: ... aming.html

We had to change the password for the admin userid.