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Row generator schema file issue

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:28 am
by ravireddy25
In Row generator stage i have taken schema file option and i have given the file path and name. and my file contains data like say

for ex :
but when iam trying to view data from row generator iam getting the warning like :Caught ORCHESTRATE exception in main program: APT_ParseError: Error parsing schema: Expected record, got: "900", line 1"
wether i can take the file like this or do i need to change something if that is can you plz help on this,
Thanks in Advance,

Re: Row generator schema file issue

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:56 am
by Jasti
Hi Ravi,
Schema file is used to pass the metadata to a job/ stage and not the data. The schema file should contain the metadata ex. field names, data types and length. The definition of a schema will be something like this

record( Field1:String[10]{delim=none};
Field2:String[10]{delim=none}; )

Re: Row generator schema file issue

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:02 am
by ravireddy25
Jasti wrote:Hi Ravi,
Schema file is used to pass the metadata to a job/ stage and not the data. The schema file should contain the metadata ex. field names, data types and length. The definition of a schema will be something like this

record( Field1:String[10]{delim=none};
Field2:String[10]{delim=none}; )

what exactly we need to give in the properties of row generator for
schema file: ??
bec from there i can see option like browse for file and job parameter
what needs to be given for schema file: ??

you mean to say that we can only load the metadata which is already saved in columns tab ?
if that is the case if iam giving that saved name in schema file iam not able to get, can you plz throw some light on this?