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Dataset Management does not work from Director or Designer

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:37 pm
by Bill_G
I am unable to open Data Set Mangment from the director or designer client. When I go to Tools>Data Set Manaement, I get the hour glass, but the dialogue box never shows itself. If i look at task manager, it reveals that Data Set manager is running, but eventually (after a few minutes) will move to Not Repsonding.

I have attempted to access from multiple machines running both XP and Server 2003.

I have a PMR open with IBM, but have not recieved a solution.



Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:11 pm
by mhester

We are also on 8.1 and have not witnessed this behavior, but if you need to view the kinds of information that the Dataset Manager would show have you used orchadmin?

Not meaning to sideswipe your issue.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:17 pm
by Bill_G
I have been using orchadmin and is a good workaround. I'd like for the client to work as advertised as it would be easier for some of our production support folks to deal with.



Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:19 pm
by mhester
That is what I figured and agree that it should work. Do you know if you have all of the patch levels for the client? Did you open the PMR as a 2 or 3? - if it is a 3 then I would make it a 2 citing the inability for prod support to review rejects etc.... make up something :)