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Null Warning.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:05 pm
by kollurianu
Hi All ,

what does the following warning mean?

APT_CombinedOperatorController(5),0: Field 'Ref_Mainframe_Time_Stamp' from input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped.

Thank you all , appreciate your inputs.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:13 pm
by kris007
Are you doing any transformation on the field Ref_Mainframe_Time_Stamp. If so, are you handling NULL's explicitly? If not, you need to do so to avoid dropping records.

Usually, within the transformer stage, Null handling should be done for all nullable fields.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:05 pm
by kollurianu
kris007 wrote:Are you doing any transformation on the field Ref_Mainframe_Time_Stamp. If so, are you handling NULL's explicitly? If not, you need to do so to avoid dropping records.

Usually, within the transformer stage, Null handling should be done for all nullable fields.
Thanks Kris for your response , Yes you are right , now I handled the nulls explicitly.