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sparse look up

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:32 pm
by kennyapril
I am using sparse lookup in the ODBC connector.
with the normal lookup I get no errors or warnings but it takes long time to run the job.

Using sparse lookup I see the following warnings...

1.Lookup_254: Schema field prefix in input data set 0 not present in design time information.
Extended field properties for this field will not be available.

2.Lookup_298: [IIS-CONN-DAAPI-000063] Unable to determine association between
statement parameters and table columns. The connector will not be
able to obtain external schema and only limited schema
reconciliation will be performed

3.Lookup_298: [IIS-CONN-ODBC-000105] Connected to Informix, version 09.
52.FC4 .0000 through driver[IIS-CONN-ODBC-000099]
The driver does not support quoted identifiers in SQL statements

Is there anyway to get rid of these warnings?