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null but no null export handling is defined

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:07 am
by sreddy

I am comparing two tables to find out missing data.

The job is like this

Table A ----- Lookup--- Table B ( Ref Table ). Take two out put files, one as Rej_File.

Both Table A and Table B columns are same but two different tables.

When i ran the job i am getting below warning.

Lookup_156: When checking operator: On output data set 0: Dropping component "DC_NUM" because of a prior component with the same name

Please respond any useful information.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:12 am
by anbu
Search the forum "because of a prior component with the same name"

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:14 am
by kumar_s
From the input, Remove the unwanted columns that are not required in the outut.
Other than key if you are trying to extract same set of columns from both reference and Input stream, try to rename either one of the steam.
Try to disable the Runtime column probagation. It might sometime try to get the columns from the reference, if if you dont drag to the output. And hence you will the clash of same name.

Re: null but no null export handling is defined

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:15 am
by dsusersaj
sreddy wrote:Hi

I am comparing two tables to find out missing data.

The job is like this

Table A ----- Lookup--- Table B ( Ref Table ). Take two out put files, one as Rej_File.

Both Table A and Table B columns are same but two different tables.

When i ran the job i am getting below warning.

Lookup_156: When checking operator: On output data set 0: Dropping component "DC_NUM" because of a prior component with the same name

Please respond any useful information.

This is happening because you have the column DC_NUM coming from both the primary and reference link of the look up. Make sure you rename any one of the column to some other name like DC_NUM_1 or somehting. After the lookup is done, the stage is unsure of which value to forward to the output when the column name from both primary and reference are same even if you have mapped any one of them to the output. This is somehting weired about the lookup stage. I even had to change the target column name to a different name as it had same name as an input column. So in the lookup stage make sure you dont have the same name for any columns in the primary,reference and target. Run your job and let us know how you get the result.

Also you might have noticed that the value for this colum is not the right value passed to the output when the column names are same. It usually passes the primary link value. If that is your requirement you are good and if you wanted to pass the value from reference, then you get wrong values in your output.