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Deleting the project

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:21 pm
by ajaykumar

I deleted a project from unix directory( i just deleted the complete folder).
But the name of the project is still there in Datastage Admin Client. How can i clean up that name? when i click on that project that Datastage Admininstrator is closing automatically

Any thoughts of how to clean up the project?

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:46 pm
by debrujr
I'm guessing your not at the current release? There is a fix for things not being removed from Director that were deleted in Designer but I am unsure if it will inherently remove it in the manner that you performed by just deleting the folder.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:50 pm
by kumar_s
You cannot delete just the folder for Deleting the Project from Datastage.
Administrator is for that purpose.
You have just deleted the files residing in the OS but not the entry that is peresent in the Repository (Metadata). Since the repository data is not valid, it is not letting you to edit it.
If you had come through Datastage adminstrator, Datastage would have taken care of these.
Possible ways are,
1. Bring back the deteleted directory if you have a backup.
2. Place a folder with same name, by copying from a new empty proejct created.
3. Delete the records of the Project entry from back end in the tables.