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Change Capture stage warning

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:31 pm
by abc123
When checking operator: Defaulting "COL9" in transfer from "beforeRec" to "outputRec"

I am getting the same warning. Data types and column order are exactly the same except the change_code column.

I went through every possible post here and came up with the following solutions:

1) Enable RCP at job level and disable RCP at the stage level.
--Doesn't work for me.--

2)According to Ray, might be a information message (eventhough displayed as a warning) from Datastage.
--I can promote it to informational but don't want to.--

3)Make All non-key columns Value Keys.
--That'll complete defeat my purpose as I do NOT want this column to be considered during comparison. The output will not be what I want.--

What else can be the reason for this warning?

Re: Change Capture stage warning

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:11 pm
by kris007
abc123 wrote: 3)Make All non-key columns Value Keys.
You need to select Explicit Keys and Explicit Values and specifically mention the columns you want to do the compare on.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:24 pm
by abc123
Kris, that's what I am doing exactly.

2 of my columns are keys, 5 are values and 2 are neither but I want them moved to the next stage. These are the ones causing this warning and I haven't found a solution to get rid of this warning.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:38 pm
by kris007
In that case have you considered placing a copy stage before the CDC stage and reroute those two columns into a separate link and then join it with the output of CDC?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:49 pm
by abc123
Yes, I saw that solution in another post. That requires me to put a copy stage before and a join stage after the ChangeCapture just to get rid of this warning. Seems like a lot of work (and overhead) just to get rid of a warning.

I just want to know why ChangeCapture is producing this warning? Is it because that, on an insert, these columns are null?

I have sure people have encountered this before.