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ODBC error

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:37 pm
by kennyapril
could anyone help me with this error ODBS connected to informix

ODBC_Connector_292,0: [IIS-CONN-ODBC-000004] ODBC function "SQLFetch" reported: SQLSTATE = HY000: Native Error Code = 0: Msg = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver]10600

ODBC_Connector_302: [IIS-CONN-ODBC-000004] ODBC function "SQLDisconnect" reported: SQLSTATE = 08S01: Native Error Code = 7,503: Msg = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver]Socket closed.
[IIS-CONN-ODBC-000004] ODBC function "SQLDisconnect" reported: SQLSTATE = 25000: Native Error Code = 0: Msg = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver]10600