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SalesForce SOQL question

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:41 am
by JPalatianos
We are running DataStage version 8.0.1 with the SalesForce adapter installed.
I am attempting to run the SOQL:
Select Contact__r.XID__c , Start_Date__c, Name, License_Type__c, State__c, End_Date__c, Contact__c From Contact_License__c and have defined the first column as XID__c on the column definition page . The job runs(just loads a flat file) but does not retrieve any data for the XID__c column (which I know exists). I want to avoid having to do a look up on every referenced object. I
s there a way to resolve this either in the SOQL our column definition? (I tried defining the column as Contact__r.XID__c but datastage aborted during execution). Ialso tried the as clause but DS did not like that either.

Thanks - - John

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:45 pm
by JPalatianos
IBM just forwarded me the solution to this...hope it will help someone else:
Using the query Select Contact__r.XID__c , Start_Date__c, Name, License_Type__c, State__c, End_Date__c, Contact__c From Contact_License__c.
The refernced column Contact__r.XID__c should read Contact__r_XID__c (period changed to an underscore) for the column definition.

- - John