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DB2 get row partitioning data Error

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:01 am
by Rohit_ben

One of my DataStage parallel jobs is getting aborted and the director shows the following error messages.

tfpCustIp,0: DB2 get row partitioning data Error.
tfpCustIp,0: SQLCODE = -6039; SQLSTATE=
tfpCustIp,0: SQL6039N Partitioning column "0" is currently defined as not nullable.
tfpCustIp,0: DB2 Get Row Partitioning Information failed.
tfpCustIp,0: Failure during execution of operator logic.

My job design is as follows:
DB2/UDB Select -----> Transformer -----> Funnel -----> Transformer(name:tfpCustIp) -----> DB2/UDB Write-Append

Could you please help me out to resolve this error?

(This is my first post to DsXchange so please let me know if you have any concern regarding my post)


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:04 am
by ArndW
This looks very similar to a thread from a couple of days ago where a DB2 table was declared as partitioned in the job when it really wasn't. Could this also be the case here? Is your DB2 partitioned? If yes, have you declared the column as nullable?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:04 am
by Rohit_ben
The DB2 database is partitioned in our case.

Could you please let me know, what column are you talking about? The error does not mention ant column name / number.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:35 am
by ArndW
What column is the table partitioned on? That would be the column number 0 referred to in the error message.

Re: DB2 get row partitioning data Error

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:22 am
by MT
Rohit_ben wrote:
tfpCustIp,0: DB2 get row partitioning data Error.
tfpCustIp,0: SQLCODE = -6039; SQLSTATE=
tfpCustIp,0: SQL6039N Partitioning column "0" is currently defined as not nullable.
tfpCustIp,0: DB2 Get Row Partitioning Information failed.
tfpCustIp,0: Failure during execution of operator logic.

Could you please help me out to resolve this error?


this is clearly a DB2 error so you should focus on DB2 for solving it.
The DB2 command line (Unix - it is th shell) is an excellent tool for
looking up DB2 error codes (or just use google):

db2 ? SQL6039

This will show:
An attempt was made to assign a null value to partitioning column
"<column-number>", which is not nullable.

So this is it!
You got a null value in your data and this will not be processed because it is not allowed.


Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:54 am
by Rohit_ben
A NULL value was being encountered for a partitioning column, hence the job was failing. There was a slight confusion about the error as the director was showing an error for the Transformer stage.

Thanks for all your help.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:12 am
by MT
Rohit_ben wrote:A NULL value was being encountered for a partitioning column, hence the job was failing. There was a slight confusion about the error as the director was showing an error for the Transformer stage.

Thanks for all your help.
Hi could you please mark the topic resolved
