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dssearch Issue

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:48 pm
by DWH-M
I have wriiten as small script to get list of all jobs in a sequence. I am using dssearch utility to extract the list. Currently i have used this script in 2 sequences Seq1 and Seq2. In dev and test environment it runs fine for both sequences but in prod, it runs fine for Seq1.

For Seq2 it gives Status code = 81002 error.

Strange part is both seqeunces are calling same script at different times and are just passing sequences names as parameters.

Is there some indexing problem with Seq2 ?? or some other thing you can think off ?


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:31 pm
by Sreenivasulu
Search the description of the error code in this forum since i think all error codes are present as part of datastage documentation.
Also both enviroments may not be in sync.
