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Reading data by Oracle Connector and ORA-1000 error

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:03 am
by buzzylee
Hi Experts,

I was always curious why did DataStage engineers leave the Transaction / Record Count property when "Oracle Connector" stage is used as a source, that reads data. Basicaly it didn't make any sense for me to control the size of transaction for SELECT operations.

Anyway I wasn't too sad about that since it wasn't affecting my work. Till today 8)

I was playing with transaction Isolation Levels on my vanilla installation of Information Server 8.1 FP1 with all the newest & greatest patches applied when suddenly Oracle started to suffer after turning on "Read Only" isolation level. It started raising ORA-01000 error - too many opened cursors.

So I started tracing Oracle side - it turned out there are hundreds of opened SQL cursors for DataStage session - each issuing the same SQL command:


Moreover - the number of opened cursors is equal to number of data packages controlled by the Transaction / Record Count property. It looks like DataStage opens such cursor each time it processes XXXX number of records.

I'm surprised and confused, have anyone of you expected this? :)


P.S. In meantime I've opened PMR for this ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:16 pm
by keshav0307
what is the value of open_cursors parameters in Oracle.. can you increase that

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:31 am
by buzzylee
It's 1500 and yes I can increase it and wait till it crushes next time, when bigger chunk of data will be loaded...

Let's wait for PMR to have it really fixed. I was just curious if any of you expected Transaction / Record Count parameter to be effective for SELECT statements :)