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Negative Values not populating

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:25 pm
by jagadam
In one of my job, iam extracting data from SAP using ABAP Extract stage and writing into Oracle database(Target). One of the source field is defined as Varchar which contains -ve values ( like 12.17-). Target field is defined as decimal (19,2). Could you any one help me how to get the -ve values into source table. I have tried using the funtion
StringToDecimal(ext_ABAP_.BI0_AFIGL_O0200_DEB_CRE_LC) : (If ext_ABAP_.BI0_AFIGL_O0200_DEB_CRE_LC < 0 Then "-" Else " ") but its not even populating +ve values. and also tried changing the target dataype in datastage as varchar but of no use.

Any thoughts? Thanks a lot!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:34 pm
by jagadam

Issue got resolved by changing source datatype from Varchar to Decimal.
