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Timeout Expired

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:13 pm
by Sreedhar

I am getting the following error.

ODBC Function "SQL Connect" Report SQLSTATE=HYT00:Native Error Code =0 MSG = [IBM(DataDirect OEM)}{ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver] Timeout Expired.

and this is not consistent. When I rerun the job some times it runs fine and some other time it fails.

Not sure what is causing this.

Did any of you come across this?

Is there any Timout Period which we can set it to some max value?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:48 pm
by chulett
Sounds like a question for your DBA.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:36 am
by sjordery
I've had this with multiple lookups with multiple ODBC connectors. The downstream DB connections seem to time out waiting for data to flow from the earlier lookups.

The only way I found to get around it is either:

A) If you are using lookups - examine your strategy, ie. whether you are using normal or sparse and whether that is appropriate, or

B) split the job so that there are less lookups/ODBC connections per job

If you're not using lookups (not clear from your post) then ignore this!