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Need help in a range string formation logic

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:01 am
by muralisankarr

We need to form a range pattern to the stings we have. For example

Should be converted to range pattern as below
The input string is sorted and ranges are formed on continuous set of values.

I don't want to go for transformer substringing, horizontal pivot, sort, vertical pivot and remove duplicate stages to handle this as the quantum of jobs where I have to implement this is quite high. Even container with RCP is not a very good option as the computation will be high in multiple instances. Other way I think is stored procedure stage or parallel routine. I don't have c++ skill set. So it is not possible to write any px routines.

If you have some idea to deal with it please suggest

Many Thanks

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:55 am
by ArndW
I have had a tough day at work doing some complex modifications and needed a break, so I wrote a quite BASIC routine to do this. If you use a BASIC transform stage and call up


Code: Select all

** Make a range list out of a comma separated list of numeric values.                                                                                         **
**                                                                                                                                                            **
** Version Date       Programmer           Comments                                                                                                           **
** ======= ========== ==================== ================================================================================================================== **
** 1.0.0   2010-07-06 A. Wussing           Initial Version                                                                                                    **
**                                                                                                                                                            **
   ** Declare include files and constants                                                                                                                     **
   EQUATE ProgramName  TO "MakeRange"                   ;** Job name to display in DSLog(Info/Warn/Fatal) calls.                                              **
   EQUATE Delimiter    TO ","                           ;** delimiter used in string.                                                                         **
   $COPYRIGHT "(c) 2010 -FreeWare-, no rights reserved" ;** additional Copyright notice put into object code.                                                 **
   $UNDEFINE DebugSwitch                                ;** Debugging turned on or off depending on whether $DEFINE or $UNDEFINE is set here.                 **
   WorkString = CONVERT(Delimiter,@FM,InString) ;** make a copy of the parameter
   ** First step is to sort the data **
   Top = DCOUNT(WorkString,@FM)-1
   $IFDEF DebugSwitch CALL DSLogInfo('Entering Bubble Sort with ':Top:' Entries in dynamic sort array.',ProgramName) $ENDIF
   IF Top > 0
      DataHasChanged = 1 ;** set to true so we enter the main loop
      LOOP WHILE DataHasChanged
         DataHasChanged = 0 ;** assume that we didn't switch any rows this loop iteration
         FOR RowNum = 1 TO Top
            IF WorkString<RowNum> > WorkString<RowNum+1>
               $IFDEF DebugSwitch CALL DSLogInfo('Switching Entries ':i:' and ':i+1:' (Sort).',ProgramName) $ENDIF
               Temp                  = WorkString<RowNum>   ;************************************
               WorkString<RowNum>    = WorkString<RowNum+1> ;** switch the two elements around **
               WorkString<RowNum+1>  = Temp                 ;**                                **
               DataHasChanged = 1                           ;************************************
         NEXT RowNum
         Top -= 1 ;** highest entry can be skipped next time around
   END ;** of if-then we need to sort, i.e. if there are 2 or more rows in the data
   ** Now that we have an ordered list, create the range list **
   Ans = '' ;** empty output string
   CurrentRangeStart = WorkString<1> ;** start at the first element
   CurrentRangeEnd   = WorkString<1> ;** same as the start
   FOR i = 2 TO Top+1
      IF WorkString<i> = CurrentRangeEnd+1
         CurrentRangeEnd += 1
         ** Not adjacent, so add to output **
         IF CurrentRangeStart=CurrentRangeEnd THEN Ans<-1> = CurrentRangeStart
                                              ELSE Ans<-1> = CurrentRangeStart:'-':CurrentRangeEnd
         CurrentRangeStart = WorkString<i> ;** start at current element
         CurrentRangeEnd   = WorkString<i> ;** same as the start
      END ;** of if-then-else new element is adjacent to old
   NEXT i
   Ans = CONVERT(@FM,Delimiter,Ans) ;** reconvert back to original format.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:48 am
by chulett
So... this is how you take a break, eh? :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:08 am
by muralisankarr
Many thanks AndW. I have started analyzing the code as I have issues with string like one discreet chain. For example 1,2,3 to 1-3 or 1,2 to 1-2 or 1 to 1. I will post the modified code here. Many thanks for your time and baseline code. I can't imagine being employed in a ds job with out dsxchange :D

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:49 am
by ray.wurlod
chulett wrote:So... this is how you take a break, eh? :wink:
You orta see how he navigates his boat!!! :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:04 am
by ArndW
I should add that I did a quickie bubble sort last week and just used that code, but I was interested in how I would solve the range logic and happened to have a designer open.

I'm not sure what you mean by "have issues with string like one discreet chain". The code uses the variables "CurrentRangeStart" and "CurrentRangeEnd"; when they are identical it means the range is just one, if they are not then it is a x-y range.