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Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:50 pm
by laknar
Consider you are writing datasets called A(Config File1) and B(Config File2)

First Config File.

DataSet Data files are created on both dsserver1 and dbserver1

Second COnfig File.

First Config File.

DataSet Data files are created on both dsserver2 and dbserver2

When reading the Dataset files you should use the corresponding configuration files.

A(Config File1)
B(Config File2)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:22 pm
by senthil_tcs

Thanks, Is it possible to pass more than one more config for each job? Currently we are defining a parameter set with different set of config files and pass the appropriate value through sequencer activity. In the same transform job I need to use both the dataset created using config file 1 and also the config file 2. I am wondering why the dataset is getting created in DBSERVERS? Due to this I am unable to use the datasets created from 2 extract jobs.
laknar wrote:Consider you are writing data sets called A(Config File1) and B(Config File2)

First Config File.

DataSet Data files are created on both dsserver1 and dbserver1

Second COnfig File.

First Config File.

DataSet Data files are created on both dsserver2 and dbserver2

When reading the Dataset files you should use the corresponding configuration files.

A(Config File1)
B(Config File2)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:47 pm
by laknar
Design seperate jobs for each dataset and write into file.
i wonder how the datasets are created in one project but by using different config files.

Is the datasets created on same project?

we can do by passing $APT_CONFIG_FILE as parameter and read the datasets into sequential file and combine both the sequential files.
but i believe we have to do it in seperate jobs.

This is one way to combine the two datasets.