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Get list of Dataset Stages in a job from Unix

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:33 pm
by ssbhas

I am writing a unix script that gets row counts of records flowing in and flowing out of the job. To achive this, I am first listing all stages in the jobs and searching by naming standsards to detemine if they are incoming or outgoing stages.

When I issue the command,

Code: Select all

 dsjob -lstages ProjectName JobName
I am getting all stage names except stage names of Dataset Stages How do I get the stage names of dataset stages from Unix Command line?

I did perform a search but could not find any help for the issue I am facing.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:39 pm
by chulett
Your search should have turned up the fact that this is a known issue with that particular command line option, from what I recall. Contact your official support provider and see if there is a fixpack / patch available to rectify that... I honestly don't recall.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:47 pm
by ssbhas
chulett wrote:Your search should have turned up the fact that this is a known issue with that particular command line option, from what I recall. Contact your official support provider and see if there is a fixpack / patch available to rectify that... I honestly don't recall.
Thanks for the quick reply Craig. Just wanted to confirm and also if anyone has resolved before, wanted to get PMR number for reference before I open a ticket.

I will keep this open for now and update once I resolve this.