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How can we convert MQ Stage to MQ Connector?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:48 am
by g_rkrish
we trying to use MQ connector for our Parallel jobs is any specific steps or any thing need to be followed to convert the MQ stages to MQ Connector stage.Also can MQ connector can be used in Server job.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:28 am
by eostic
Nothing in particular.....the MQ Connector can do a lot more things, but most of them have specific purposes......If your job is "working", there should be no reason to change it. Here are some of the more significant reasons someone might move to the connector:

It can do both MQ client and MQ Server api's. MQ Plugin requires a choice at install time for one or the other.

It can send end-of-wave signals on its own when it is a source. MQ Plugin cannot, and would require the end-of-wave operator afterwards....

MQ Connector can work with DTS to provide ensured delivery from a queue to a database table.

Making the change is fairly easy ...I would suggest playing with the connector in a test job, reading queue messages, writing them, until you are comfortable with how it works.


Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:53 am
by g_rkrish

I am trying some simple audit job with audit queue it is connecting by server mode and it has no problem in opening the queue in partiotion wise it is showing up the error saying

There are irreconcilable constraints on the number of
partitions of an operator: parallel TestctrSendAuditPXC313.WebSphere_MQ_Connector_7.
The number of partitions is already constrained to 4,
but an eSame partitioned input virtual dataset produced by
parallel TestctrSendAuditPXC313.XML_Output has 1.

Mq connector get it from the xml o/p stage

But we have specifed as 4 node partions in all our stages is anything specific needs to be done for the MQconnector stage or it takes project default.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:56 am
by chulett
I got 17 other matches when I did an exact search for "There are irreconcilable constraints on the number", perhaps one of them will help you out.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:17 am
by g_rkrish
chulett wrote:I got 17 other matches when I did an exact search for "There are irreconcilable constraints on the number", perhaps one of them will help you out.
sorry Criag I forgot the search before posting anyways will the propagte options need to be clear? any reason behind it or any thing need to be configured for MQ connector stage.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:25 am
by chulett
I have no clue, never having used MQ anything. Just wanted to point out that others have seen that message and there are Resolved posts on the subject. If that's the advice you're finding, give that a shot and see if it indeed fixes it for you.