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Type Conversion - Decimal To Decimal

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:27 am
by bicap
Iam Trying to Convert a Decimal 13,5 Field to Decimal 9,5 in Data stage 7.5 Transformer stage. I have used DecimalToDecimal Function , Converted to String then back to decimal etc ., but the output is coming with all zero values in it . Also tried using Modify Stage . No +ve result :(

Some one - help me out in acheiving this

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:41 am
by chulett
Are all results always zeroes or do some work and some do not? Post your actual syntax, that and confirm for us that the values in your 13,5 will actually fit in a 9,5 decimal.

And seriously, "+ve"? It was too much trouble to spell out the word "positive"? :?