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loading data into sql server db using odbc connector stage

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:12 pm
by datastagedw
hi all,

we are using sql server database as the target and source. the connections are established properly as we are able to connect both through odbc enterprise as well as odbc connector stage. but we are facing problem while loading the data.

we have the source as sequential file stage followed by transformer, lookup and then transformer. the director log throws errors mentioning the column names saying "invalid column names". these column names are coming to the last trasnformer but some of them are not ultimately mapped to the output link going to the odbc connector stage. even though some olumns are mapped to the target table we are using this transformer to convert the column names so that output link column names are matched.

one more thing is that we are unable to import the metadata using odbc using odbc connection option in the table definition. So we are typing the column names and the exact data types and lengths manually.

i have used odbc connector for oracle target table in my previous projects byt odbc did not behave this weirdly. Please help me in understanding this behaviour of odbc connector stage.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:41 am
by ArndW
Could your last transform stage output have RCP enabled? Add the "$APT_PRINT_SCHEMAS" environment variable to your job and then examine what the runtime schemeas between the stages really are so that you can check.