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CFF stage:Issue of Junk values

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:02 pm
by hari4dsx
Hi All
I am reading a Cobol file using a CFF stage.It is a fixed width binary file and the charadcter set is set as 'EBCIDIC'.There is an alphanumeric field in the source which "PIC(20).I am trying to read the particular field as "character" and have set the usage clause to "DISPLAY" in CFF stage.

I can see that in the output I am getting junk values in this field whereas all the other fields have proper valid values.The mentioned field has valid values in the cobol file.

I crosschecked the COBOL copy book definitions and the data types,the field lengths, the start and end positions are fine.

Please suggest any possible solution to get the issue fixed. I am using this stage for he first time and am not very familiar with it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:08 pm
by Sreedhar
You said output you see junk values what is the data type of the output field you have used?

I hope you are converting a Char to a VarChar
Secondly the Value coming from the COBOL is not 20 bits long?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:35 pm
by eostic
Is that the only character field? Perhaps it is not EBCDIC and is already in ASCII...that would make it look strange.

What are its hex values?
