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I need Column Name to be processed along with data

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:28 pm
by hcdiss
i have 270 columns in a single row...i need to place a constraint on a column name ..for example..
my input data is -

Benefits_Amt Salary_Amt Reimbursements_Amt ......
100 40 10

I want to put constraints such as...if the column name contains the word 'Reimbursements' ..then process A, if column name contains the word 'Benefits' then process on...

for this i need to capture the column name in my transformer...any idea how to achieve this?.....pls keep in mind that there are 270 columns..and in dont want to do manual typing work (i already have a labourous approach :-( )

Re: I need Column Name to be processed along with data

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:48 pm
by dsedi
hcdiss wrote:....for this i need to capture the column name in my transformer...any idea how to achieve this?.....pls keep in mind that there are 270 columns..and in dont want to do manual typing work (i already have a labourous approach :-( )
If the source is any DB then first load them into a file with "first line column names" property..
using that file you will be able to process column name in transformer..

Re: I need Column Name to be processed along with data

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:45 pm
by hcdiss
Thank you very much for such quick response...

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:53 am
by agpt
Can you please update us whether it worked for you?