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Error in Teradata Enterprise Stage

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:04 pm
by nani1974
I am getting the below error when i am running the change data capture job...
TeraEntp_ins: Error when checking operator: Table 'BUS_RETAIN_TRANS' does not exist! Cannot use append mode.
Transformer_36: When checking operator: A sequential operator cannot preserve the partitioning
of the parallel data set on input port 0.
TeraEntp_del: When checking operator: There will be some skew in the usage of the server because the number of players (18) is not evenly divided by the number of available nodes (4).
TeraEntp_ins: Error when checking operator: Cannot prepare target table.
My source is Seq Server and taget is Teradata where i am using two Enterprise stages for delete and insert after change capture and trasformer stages..table is there in the database but its saying table does not exist....
Thanks for you help

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:28 pm
by anbu
Test your teredata connection from DataStage.

Check whether you entered the right database

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:33 pm
by nani1974
I checked everything, all the information is right, because i run the jobs with Mload stage before with same database,server and other settings.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:57 am
by mkkgupta
try writing to datasets and process your inserts/deletes in seperate job.
I think table lock maybe an issue.
or try adding sleep & tenacity