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Difference Between NUM & IsValid(Decimal'[]') functions

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:57 am
by anusha
Hello Experts,
My Query seems very silly but I have a little confusion around functions Num & Isvalid(Decimal'[36,18]',stringData).

Isvalid(Decimal'[36,18]',stringData) is not actually Validating the Data coming with Space in it. If incoming Data includes any spaces in it, it will treat it as a valid record but instead Num functions is able to handle all the possiblities of the data.

So can any body suggest what's wrong with the IsValid Function and BTW please differentiate between NUM & ISVALID function.

-- working on:
DS 8.0.1
Sun Solaris 5.10

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:18 am
by chulett
I'm hesitant to comment on any such behaviour in the 8.0.x release as it was buggy as heck and there are so many patches and fixpacks you may or may not have installed. May I humbly suggest you upgrade ASAP to the latest 8.1.x release? You'll be much happier. :wink: