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DataType Conversion -- Compilation Error

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:08 am
by pradkumar
Hi All,

I have job which pulls the data from file using CFF stage and loads into a dataset.CFF stage has 2 columns and their datatypes defined as below
1) ID - Char(20)
2) Date -Decimal (9,2) -- YYYYMMDD

In the later job i have a reuqirement to join based on ID and Date coming from table with the datatypes as ID- Varchar(20) and Date -Varchar(6)-YYYYMM

So in the CFF->XFM-->Dataset job -- I just changed the target ID datatype to Varchar(20) and added another field Date_New,declared it has Varchar(8) and in the derivation iam doing Date[1,6].
The job ran fine and got desired output results.

Interestingly when i try to re-create the same job with another copy i was getting compilation error and pointing to Transformer, though the other job was working fine.

Anyone could suggest whats the issue and suggestions.

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:46 pm
by nagarjuna
Can you paste exact error message ??