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MQ reading twice with 2 node cofig

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:18 am
by suman27

I have paralell job reading MQ messages using WebSphereMQ stage.
working correctly with single node config file. But when i changed to 2nodes. Job is reading twice of MassageQuantity mentioned in the stage.

I changed the config file just copying the node1 and pasting it again as node2.

Am I doing anything wrong. Suggest me..


Re: MQ reading twice with 2 node cofig

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:14 am
by suman27
suman27 wrote:Hi,

I have paralell job reading MQ messages using WebSphereMQ stage.
working correctly with single node config file. But when i changed to 2nodes. Job is reading twice of MassageQuantity mentioned in the stage.

I changed the config file just copying the node1 and pasting it again as node2.

Am I doing anything wrong. Suggest me..


Hi All,

We raised this issued to IBM support, This stage will not support multiple nodes when the read method is set as 'keep'.
It will duplicate the data.

only read method 'delete' works on multiple nodes.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:43 am
by eostic
..I would rephrase this not as a "workaround" but as "acting as designed" :)

It's just semantics, but keep means "browse"....multiple readers of the same queue, when using browse, do not lock out other readers........the same behavior will occur if you launch "n" concurrent jobs that all use the browse queue MQ API capability.
