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Insert issue with large volume of data

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:30 am
by VijayDS
Hi All,

I have a Insert job which has to load more than 3,00,000 records but it's loading 2,20,000 records and then the job getting aborted and giving the error message like below.

In Oracle Enterprise stage selected User defined update and specified insert statement.

ORA_TEReport_Insert,0: Unable to use a record for update.

I have inserted one record manually after getting 2,20,000 records being loaded with Datastage and no issue with the manual insertion.

Verified the source data also but I didn't find any issue.

Is it like space issue with the table? or issue with the data? or some other reason the job getting aborted?

Please suggest me where the issue is if you faced this issue earlier or you know?


Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:51 am
by chulett
First suggestion is always going to be to search and since you didn't mention doing that - see if an Exact Match search for "Unable to use a record for update" helps at all.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:42 am
by kogads
Check the update statement. Also, see whether you are getting any nulls in the key fields..