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Teradata connector Vs Teradata enterprise stage

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:50 pm
by Chandrathdsx
I have a job to read from teradata and write into a dataset.
This job is performing much better if I use enterprise stage instead of connector stage.
I am not using bulk option. But, enterprise stage is getting 8 processes where as connector stage using only one process.
Both jobs (connector and enterprise stages) use 8 node config.

Could you please let me know: does enterprise stage is better than connector stage when bulk/utility is not used?
Is there anyway to get more processes/sessions while using the connector stage?
When I use Bulk option in connector, I am getting limit settings enabled to mention max sessions. But, in Immediate access method, it is not behaving similar to enterprise stage.

Log details:
Score from job using teradata connecor (source stage): This job is running @ 800 rows/sec
main_program: This step has 1 dataset:
ds0: {op0[1p] (sequential Teradata_Connector_0)
op1[1p] (sequential APT_RealFileExportOperator in Sequential_File_3)}
It has 2 operators:
op0[1p] {(sequential Teradata_Connector_0)
on nodes (
op1[1p] {(sequential APT_RealFileExportOperator in Sequential_File_3)
on nodes (
It runs 2 processes on 2 nodes.
##APT_PMsectionLeader: new Section Leader running, PID = 3,547,192
##APT_PMsectionLeader: new Section Leader running, PID = 3,326,120

Score from job using teradata enterprise stage (source stage): This job is running @ 3200 rows/sec
main_program: This step has 1 dataset:
ds0: {op0[8p] (parallel Teradata_Enterprise_0)
[pp] >>eCollectAny
op1[1p] (sequential APT_RealFileExportOperator in Sequential_File_5)}
It has 2 operators:
op0[8p] {(parallel Teradata_Enterprise_0)
on nodes (
op1[1p] {(sequential APT_RealFileExportOperator in Sequential_File_5)
on nodes (
It runs 9 processes on 1 node.

Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: Orchestrate Teradata Read Operator Summary
Step Configuration:
Total slave sessions: 16
Slave processes: 8
Nodes used: 1


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:37 am
by hamzaqk
The TPT stage in immediate mode is recommended for small chunks of data as it commits on every few hundered rows which makes it a bit slower than the bulk mode stage. The enterprise stage on the other hand uses bulk fast load with multiple instances which gives a high rate for loading data and hence improved performace as compared to the connector stage.