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Data Load to Oracle Table

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:21 am
by kittu.raja

I have 10 columns loading into Oracle Table, but one of the column I have hard coded as space as per requirement but Oracle is treating that column as NULL and I am not able to load the data. All my data is getting rejected.

I used Oracle Preserve Blanks ENV variable but still I am unable to load the data.

Can anyone help me out.


Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:32 am
by chulett
Show us the full name of the environment variable you set and what exactly it was you set it to.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:39 am
by kittu.raja
chulett wrote:Show us the full name of the environment variable you set and what exactly it was you set it to.
Hi Chullet,

I used APT_ORACLE_PRESERVE_BLANKS and it is set to true.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:49 am
by chulett
So, that part should be fine, so now we just need the gory details of what it is you are doing and seeing. How is this mysterious column defined, both in the job and in the target - data type, size/precision, nullability, etc? What error messages are you seeing in the log? Post them here unedited if you do rather than the 'something like this' that we get on occassion. Also let us know what the heck you mean by the very generic term 'load' - what stage are you using? What Write Method, etc, etc... et cetera.

:idea: Since we're on the other side of the Looking Glass and can't see what you are doing, you need to be as complete as possible in your problem statement, otherwise people have to guess, and I'm way too old to waste my time guessing. Especially on a Sunday.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:00 am
by kittu.raja
[quote="chulett"]So, that part should be fine, so now we just need the gory details of what it is you are doing and seeing. How is this mysterious column defined, both in the job and in the target - data type, size/precision, nullability, etc? What error messages are you seeing in the log? Post them here unedited if you do rather than the 'something like this' that we get on occassion. Also let us know what the heck you mean by the very generic term 'load' - what stage are you using? What Write Method, etc, etc... et cetera.

The column name is Alloc_Ind and the data type is char and the length is 1, nullability is NOT NULL. The job is running fine with no warnings or errors but when I put a reject link for the Oracle Enterprize stage its giving me sql code as -1400. I am using upsert method.


Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:21 am
by sohasaid
kittu.raja wrote: the Oracle Enterprize stage its giving me sql code as -1400. I am using upsert method.
I think you're trying to insert empty string '' not a space ' ' into Oracle. Because Ora-1400 means not able to insert null into not nullable column and Oracle treats the empty string as NULL.
Re-check your fixed string.


Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:30 am
by chulett
Just to be pedantic, how exactly are you populating the ACCOL_IND field? Stage, derivation, etc.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:09 am
by kittu.raja
chulett wrote:Just to be pedantic, how exactly are you populating the ACCOL_IND field? Stage, derivation, etc.
In the derivation

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:10 am
by kittu.raja
chulett wrote:Just to be pedantic, how exactly are you populating the ACCOL_IND field? Stage, derivation, etc.
In the derivation

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:19 am
by chulett
:? You must have missed the exactly part. What stage - transformer? And post your exact derivation so we can see what you are doing.