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Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:20 am
by fridge

I suspect the final error (3807) is down to the previous error concerning the error tables

03:56:17 UTY1008 RDBMS failure: 3807, Object 'EDW_STAGE.STATUS_S_WE411_ET' does not

Basically when the multiload starts it attempts to drop any error tables first, though these will only get left if you either
a) Had some bad data
or / and
b) You attempted to insert duplicates

on a previous run

as the tables dont exist - it cant drop them , however will continue to do the load proper

However not sure why it is picking up the error at the end - as dropping of non-existant tables shouldlt cause the job to fail

How is the script produced - is it custom load type in the Multiload stage - I work on AIX so cant seem to replicate the script

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:43 am
by hamzaqk
it gives 3807 error when the target table does not exist.... the one you are trying to insert into...

Re: Fatal Error: While loading data using Teradata Mltiload

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:17 am
by ManojRawat
= =
= Processing Control Statements =
= =
0018 .if &SYSRC then;
**** 03:56:34 UTY2402 Previous statement modified to:
0019 .if 3807 then;
0020 .logoff &SYSRC;
**** 03:56:34 UTY2402 Previous statement modified to:
0021 .logoff 3807;

Load script outputting the return code "3807" due to the "highlited code" mentioned above.Multiloade will not prompt for failure if this portion removed from the code.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:07 am
by aaron102
In after section of the script in the multiload script did you miss to tick mark "Treat SQL Errors as non fatal error"