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Error while loading using an oracle connector stage

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:53 pm
by kollurianu
Hi All ,

Data was successfully loaded into oracle table , using an OCI Enterprise stage

But now when I am using oracle connector stage , I am getting fatal errors , regarding date field with the same load data file to the same table.

Tble_Acct_Master_Full,0: [IIS-CONN-ORA-003005] A data conversion error was encountered in bulk load mode for row 3, column 10. (CC_OraLoad::loadData, file CC_OraLoad.cpp, line 1237)
[IIS-CONN-ORA-001003] The OCI function OCIDirPathFinish returned status -1. Error code: 39767, Error message: ORA-39767: finish is not allowed when unloaded stream data exists. (CC_OraLoad::finishLoad, file CC_OraLoad.cpp, line 1745)

Both the stages OCI Ent/Oracle connector are using truncate and load option (Bulk load).

Any inputs greatly appreciated.
Thank you all.

Re: Error while loading using an oracle connector stage

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:55 pm
by ArndW
kollurianu wrote:... [IIS-CONN-ORA-003005] A data conversion error was encountered in bulk load mode for row 3, column 10...
What is the data type and value of row 3, column 10?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:33 pm
by kollurianu
Thanks Arnd for your response.

I turned off the data conversion check box in the reject link still didn't load the file.

The value in column 10 and row 3 is 0001-01-01 and there are such date values in other date fields too for sure it is an invalid date and this was successfully loaded to OCI enterprise stage.

Just now I changed the option from Truncate load to Truncate Insert in the connector and could load the same data file successfully with no warnings and rejects.

Oracle connector is working crazily.

Thank you all.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:01 pm
by kollurianu
Did anyone experience the same issue like this with the oracle connector stage ..? How can this be fixed..?

Any inputs greatly appreciated.

Thank you all.