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compilation error: Error when checking composite operator

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:02 pm
by kollurianu
Hi All,

I am getting below compilation.. can you please let me know the reason..

Thank you all.

Output from transformer compilation follows:

##I IIS-DSEE-TFCN-00001 16:59:32(000) <main_program>
IBM WebSphere DataStage Enterprise Edition
Copyright (c) 2001, 2005-2008 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved

##I IIS-DSEE-TFCN-00006 16:59:32(001) <main_program> conductor uname: -s=Linux; -r=2.6.18-92.1.10.el5; -v=#1 SMP Wed Jul 23 03:56:11 EDT 2008; -n=mphewddes001; -m=x86_64
##I IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00002 16:59:32(002) <main_program> orchgeneral: loaded
##I IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00002 16:59:32(003) <main_program> orchsort: loaded
##I IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00002 16:59:32(004) <main_program> orchstats: loaded
##W IIS-DSEE-TOSH-00049 16:59:32(007) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: DSPXWorkingDir
##W IIS-DSEE-TFTM-00012 16:59:32(009) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The number of reject datasets "0" is less than the number of input datasets "1".
##E IIS-DSEE-TFEV-00026 16:59:32(010) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: Setting null to this non-nullable field: GWM_ENTITY_TYP_CD.
##E IIS-DSEE-TFSR-00019 16:59:32(011) <main_program> Could not check all operators because of previous error(s)
##E IIS-DSEE-TCOS-00029 16:59:32(012) <main_program> Creation of a step finished with status = FAILED. (CTA_Full_Load_Run_0312.Filter1)

*** Internal Generated Transformer Code follows:
0001: //
0002: // Generated file to implement the V4S3_CTA_Full_Load_Run_0312_Filter1 transform operator.
0003: //
0005: // define our input/output link names
0006: inputname 0 inrec;
0007: outputname 0 valid_rec;
0008: outputname 1 invalid_rec;
0010: global {
0011: // Job parameter declaration
0012: ustring PROCESSDATE;
0013: }
0015: initialize {
0016: // define our row rejected variable
0017: int8 RowRejected0;
0019: // define our null set variable
0020: int8 NullSetVar0;
0022: // declare our intermediate variables for this section
0023: string InterVar0_0;
0024: string InterVar0_1;
0025: string InterVar0_2;
0026: string InterVar0_3;
0027: string InterVar0_4;
0028: string InterVar0_5;
0029: string InterVar0_6;
0030: string InterVar0_7;
0031: string InterVar0_8;
0032: string InterVar0_9;
0034: // initialise constant values which require conversion
0035: InterVar0_0 = "ACCTPROD";
0036: InterVar0_1 = "ENTTYCD";
0037: InterVar0_2 = "ACNO";
0038: InterVar0_3 = "ACRL";
0039: InterVar0_4 = "GWM";
0040: InterVar0_5 = "D";
0041: InterVar0_6 = "";
0042: InterVar0_7 = "ATPROD";
0043: InterVar0_8 = "ENCD";
0044: InterVar0_9 = "1";
0045: // Stage variable declaration and initialisation
0046: string StageVar0_stgacctprodcd;
0047: StageVar0_stgacctprodcd = InterVar0_0;
0048: string StageVar0_stgentitytycd;
0049: StageVar0_stgentitytycd = InterVar0_1;
0050: string StageVar0_stgacctno;
0051: StageVar0_stgacctno = InterVar0_2;
0052: string StageVar0_stgacctroletycd;
0053: StageVar0_stgacctroletycd = InterVar0_3;
0054: string StageVar0_stggwimid;
0055: StageVar0_stggwimid = InterVar0_4;
0056: string StageVar0_stgdelind;
0057: StageVar0_stgdelind = InterVar0_5;
0058: }
0060: mainloop {
0061: // initialise our row rejected variable
0062: RowRejected0 = 1;
0064: // evaluate the stage variables first
0065: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_Product_CD)) {
0066: if ((trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_Product_CD) == InterVar0_6)) {
0067: StageVar0_stgacctprodcd = InterVar0_7;
0068: } else {
0069: StageVar0_stgacctprodcd = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_Product_CD);
0070: }
0071: //;
0072: } else {
0073: StageVar0_stgacctprodcd = InterVar0_7;
0074: }
0075: //;
0076: if (notnull(inrec.Entity_Type_CD)) {
0077: if ((trimc_string(inrec.Entity_Type_CD) == InterVar0_6)) {
0078: StageVar0_stgentitytycd = InterVar0_8;
0079: } else {
0080: StageVar0_stgentitytycd = trimc_string(inrec.Entity_Type_CD);
0081: }
0082: //;
0083: } else {
0084: StageVar0_stgentitytycd = InterVar0_8;
0085: }
0086: //;
0087: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_NO)) {
0088: if ((trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_NO) == InterVar0_6)) {
0089: StageVar0_stgacctno = InterVar0_2;
0090: } else {
0091: StageVar0_stgacctno = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_NO);
0092: }
0093: //;
0094: } else {
0095: StageVar0_stgacctno = InterVar0_2;
0096: }
0097: //;
0098: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_ROLE_TY_CD)) {
0099: if ((trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_ROLE_TY_CD) == InterVar0_6)) {
0100: StageVar0_stgacctroletycd = InterVar0_3;
0101: } else {
0102: StageVar0_stgacctroletycd = inrec.ACCT_ROLE_TY_CD;
0103: }
0104: //;
0105: } else {
0106: StageVar0_stgacctroletycd = InterVar0_3;
0107: }
0108: //;
0109: if (notnull(inrec.MSTR_GWM_ID)) {
0110: if ((trimc_string(inrec.MSTR_GWM_ID) == InterVar0_6)) {
0111: StageVar0_stggwimid = InterVar0_4;
0112: } else {
0113: StageVar0_stggwimid = trimc_string(inrec.MSTR_GWM_ID);
0114: }
0115: //;
0116: } else {
0117: StageVar0_stggwimid = InterVar0_4;
0118: }
0119: //;
0120: if (notnull(inrec.DeleteIndicator)) {
0121: if ((trimc_string(inrec.DeleteIndicator) == InterVar0_6)) {
0122: StageVar0_stgdelind = InterVar0_5;
0123: } else {
0124: StageVar0_stgdelind = trimc_string(inrec.DeleteIndicator);
0125: }
0126: //;
0127: } else {
0128: StageVar0_stgdelind = InterVar0_5;
0129: }
0130: //;
0132: // evaluate constraint and columns for link: valid_rec
0133: if (((((((StageVar0_stgacctno != InterVar0_2) && (StageVar0_stgacctroletycd != InterVar0_3)) && (StageVar0_stggwimid != InterVar0_4)) && (StageVar0_stgacctprodcd != InterVar0_7)) && (StageVar0_stgentitytycd != InterVar0_8)) && (StageVar0_stgdelind != InterVar0_9)))
0134: {
0135: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0136: if (notnull(inrec.DataSourceSystemName)) {
0137: valid_rec.GWM_SOURCE_SYSTEM = trimc_string(inrec.DataSourceSystemName);
0138: } else {
0139: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0140: }
0141: valid_rec.GWM_SOURCE_SYSTEM = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_SOURCE_SYSTEM;
0142: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0143: if (notnull(inrec.TransactionTypeCode)) {
0144: valid_rec.GWM_TRANS_TYP_CD = trimc_string(inrec.TransactionTypeCode);
0145: } else {
0146: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0147: }
0148: valid_rec.GWM_TRANS_TYP_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_TRANS_TYP_CD;
0149: valid_rec.GWM_MASTER_ID = trimc_string(inrec.MSTR_GWM_ID);
0150: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0151: if (notnull(inrec.EnterpriseID)) {
0152: valid_rec.GWM_ENTERPRISE_ID = trimc_string(inrec.EnterpriseID);
0153: } else {
0154: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0155: }
0156: valid_rec.GWM_ENTERPRISE_ID = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ENTERPRISE_ID;
0157: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0158: if (notnull(inrec.PARTY_ID)) {
0159: valid_rec.GWM_WCC_PTY_ID = trimc_string(inrec.PARTY_ID);
0160: } else {
0161: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0162: }
0163: valid_rec.GWM_WCC_PTY_ID = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_WCC_PTY_ID;
0164: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0165: if (notnull(inrec.GCI_NO)) {
0166: valid_rec.GWM_GCI = trimc_string(inrec.GCI_NO);
0167: } else {
0168: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0169: }
0170: valid_rec.GWM_GCI = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_GCI;
0171: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0172: if (notnull(inrec.CreatedBy)) {
0173: valid_rec.GWM_CREATE_BY = trimc_string(inrec.CreatedBy);
0174: } else {
0175: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0176: }
0177: valid_rec.GWM_CREATE_BY = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_CREATE_BY;
0178: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0179: if (notnull(inrec.CreatedDate)) {
0180: valid_rec.GWM_CREATE_DT = date_from_string(trimc_string(inrec.CreatedDate));
0181: } else {
0182: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0183: }
0184: valid_rec.GWM_CREATE_DT = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_CREATE_DT;
0185: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0186: if (notnull(inrec.UpdatedBy)) {
0187: valid_rec.GWM_LAST_UPDATE_BY = trimc_string(inrec.UpdatedBy);
0188: } else {
0189: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0190: }
0191: valid_rec.GWM_LAST_UPDATE_BY = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_LAST_UPDATE_BY;
0192: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0193: if (notnull(inrec.LastUpdatedDate)) {
0194: valid_rec.GWM_LAST_UPDATE_DT = date_from_string(trimc_string(inrec.LastUpdatedDate));
0195: } else {
0196: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0197: }
0198: valid_rec.GWM_LAST_UPDATE_DT = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_LAST_UPDATE_DT;
0199: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_NO = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_NO);
0200: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0201: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_ID)) {
0202: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_ID = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_ID);
0203: } else {
0204: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0205: }
0206: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_ID = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ACC_ID;
0207: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_ROLE_TYP_CD = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_ROLE_TY_CD);
0208: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0209: if (notnull(inrec.Entity_Type_CD)) {
0210: valid_rec.GWM_ENTITY_TYP_CD = trimc_string(inrec.Entity_Type_CD);
0211: } else {
0212: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0213: }
0214: valid_rec.GWM_ENTITY_TYP_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ENTITY_TYP_CD;
0215: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0216: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_Product_CD)) {
0217: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_PROD_CD = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_Product_CD);
0218: } else {
0219: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0220: }
0221: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_PROD_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ACC_PROD_CD;
0222: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0223: if (notnull(inrec.SUB_PROD_TY_CD)) {
0224: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_SUB_PROD_TYP_CD = trimc_string(inrec.SUB_PROD_TY_CD);
0225: } else {
0226: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0227: }
0228: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_SUB_PROD_TYP_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ACC_SUB_PROD_TYP_CD;
0229: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0230: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_LNK_TY_CD)) {
0231: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_LNK_TYP_CD = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_LNK_TY_CD);
0232: } else {
0233: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0234: }
0235: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_LNK_TYP_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ACC_LNK_TYP_CD;
0236: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0237: if (notnull(inrec.ACCT_PRVCY_CD)) {
0238: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_PRVCY_CD = trimc_string(inrec.ACCT_PRVCY_CD);
0239: } else {
0240: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0241: }
0242: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_PRVCY_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ACC_PRVCY_CD;
0243: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0244: if (notnull(inrec.ACCTSTATUS_CD)) {
0245: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_STATUS_CD = trimc_string(inrec.ACCTSTATUS_CD);
0246: } else {
0247: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0248: }
0249: valid_rec.GWM_ACC_STATUS_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_ACC_STATUS_CD;
0250: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0251: if (notnull(inrec.RequestOrigin)) {
0252: valid_rec.GWM_REQUEST_ORIGIN = trimc_string(inrec.RequestOrigin);
0253: } else {
0254: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0255: }
0256: valid_rec.GWM_REQUEST_ORIGIN = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_REQUEST_ORIGIN;
0257: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0258: if (notnull(inrec.ClientSourceSystem)) {
0259: valid_rec.GWM_CLIENT_SOURCE_SYSTEM = trimc_string(inrec.ClientSourceSystem);
0260: } else {
0261: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0262: }
0263: valid_rec.GWM_CLIENT_SOURCE_SYSTEM = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_CLIENT_SOURCE_SYSTEM;
0264: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0265: if (notnull(inrec.UpdateMethodCode)) {
0266: valid_rec.GWM_UPDATE_METHOD_CD = trimc_string(inrec.UpdateMethodCode);
0267: } else {
0268: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0269: }
0270: valid_rec.GWM_UPDATE_METHOD_CD = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_UPDATE_METHOD_CD;
0271: NullSetVar0 = 0;
0272: if (notnull(inrec.SRC_ACCT_ROLE_SQ_NO)) {
0273: valid_rec.GWM_SRC_ACCT_ROLE_SQ_NO = trimc_string(inrec.SRC_ACCT_ROLE_SQ_NO);
0274: } else {
0275: NullSetVar0 = 1;
0276: }
0277: valid_rec.GWM_SRC_ACCT_ROLE_SQ_NO = (NullSetVar0 == 1) ? set_null() : valid_rec.GWM_SRC_ACCT_ROLE_SQ_NO;
0278: valid_rec.GDPP_SRC_SYS_ASOF_DT = date_from_ustring(PROCESSDATE);
0279: valid_rec.GDPP_UPDATE_DT = current_date();
0280: valid_rec.GDPP_LOAD_DT = current_date();
0281: writerecord 0;
0282: RowRejected0 = 0;
0283: }
0284: // evaluate constraint and columns for link: invalid_rec
0285: if (((((((StageVar0_stgacctno == InterVar0_2) || (StageVar0_stgacctroletycd == InterVar0_3)) || (StageVar0_stggwimid == InterVar0_4)) || (StageVar0_stgacctprodcd == InterVar0_7)) || (StageVar0_stgentitytycd == InterVar0_8)) && (StageVar0_stgdelind != InterVar0_9)))
0286: {
0287: writerecord 1;
0288: RowRejected0 = 0;
0289: }
0290: }
0292: finish {
0293: }
*** End of Internal Generated Transformer Code

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:07 pm
by chulett
Start here:

##E IIS-DSEE-TFEV-00026 16:59:32(010) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: Setting null to this non-nullable field: GWM_ENTITY_TYP_CD.