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Shared Container

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:32 pm
by kittu.raja
Hi Everyone,

I need to know about RCP. Can anyone suggest some good notes.

My requirement is I have 3 rules to implement and each rule I am implementing in a shared container. So I created 3 shared containers.
In one of my job I need to use 3 rules so I created a local container having these 3 shared containers.

For eg:

FF ------>XFM------->Local Container---------->XFM------------->FF

and the local container has 3 shared containers inside it.

If RCP is enabled in this case what is the result and
if RCP is disabled what will be the result.

What is the impact of RCp in this condition.

thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:08 pm
by John Smith
RCP merely allows you to propagate columns ; the outcome depends entirely on your job design. You can use RCP in shared containers but you control the results, RCP does not.