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istool client

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:28 pm
by roblew
Hello all,

After installing Fix Pack 1, we've noticed a problem with the istool.exe (Information Server Command Line Interface) on the client machine. It seems that the patch has removed the existing istool.exe (C:\Program Files\IBM\InformationServer\v8101\Clients\istools\cli\) and installed a new istool.bat in that directory. However, the shortcut from Programs menu still points to the exe, so it shows the following error: "The item 'istool.exe' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly."

We found that the file is actually present in
C:\Program Files\IBM\InformationServer\v8101\Updates\8.1.FixPack.1\Clients\istools\cli\istool.exe

So, we just copied the istool.exe file from the FixPack directory to the original istools\cli directory, and it seems to be working ok now.

Did something wrong happen during our Fix Pack install? We've tried the vanilla install multiple times with the same result. Anyone else have this issue?

I'm not really looking for any other work-around, since we've got it working already. Just want to know if the problem is on our side, or if it's a problem with the IBM installer.

thanks in advance,

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:57 pm
by ray.wurlod
I believe it's a problem with the installer - made the move but did not address the shortcuts. Does the BAT file refer to the correct EXE?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:08 pm
by roblew
Interestingly, the bat file seems to have syntax errors. I'm not an expert batch file scripter, but I see it runs a java "launcher" file and uses some variables to set the paths.


Code: Select all

@echo off

set BASE=%~dp0

set LAUNCHER=org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.0.v20070606.jar  

set PLUGINS=%BASE%\plugins
set JRE=%BASE%\..\..\..\ASBNode\apps\jre

if [%1] == [] GOTO NOARGS




%JRE%\bin\java -jar %PLUGINS%\%LAUNCHER% ""


When I run the istool.bat, it comes back with the following error:
C:\Program Files\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli>istool.bat
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

The full path to the istool executable is "C:\Program Files\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli".

So, I put double quotes in the paths, and it now works as expected:

Code: Select all

@echo off

set BASE=%~dp0

set LAUNCHER=org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.0.v20070606.jar  

set PLUGINS="%BASE%\plugins"
set JRE="%BASE%\..\..\..\ASBNode\apps\jre"

if [%1] == [] GOTO NOARGS




%JRE%\bin\java -jar %PLUGINS%\%LAUNCHER% ""


C:\Program Files\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli>istool1.bat
For help, enter: "help". To exit, enter: ".","exit", or "quit"
istool> quit

So, to me it appears that there are two bugs...
  • - the itsool.exe needs to be properly placed into the correct "Clients\istools\cli" directory
    - the istool.bat needs to include double quotes for the paths if there are any spaces in the path (like "C:\Program Files")

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:20 pm
by roblew
ray.wurlod wrote:I believe it's a problem with the installer - made the move but did not address the shortcuts. Does the BAT file refer to the correct EXE? ...
Ray, after making the "double-quote" change to the istool.bat file, the bat file seems to run the istool utility regardless of the istool.exe location (I removed all istool.exe that I found). So, I'm a little bit confused now. I thought that the bat file calls the istool.exe somehow, but it appears that is incorrect.

But this still means that the shortcut was not updated (should be pointing to the bat file instead).

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:54 pm
by chulett
Yes, you are absolutely correct that "long filenames" in DOS require quoting if they contain spaces, with "Program Files" typically being the first culprit people stumble across this with. That or you need to sub in the original 8.3 format name that is still actually there and hiding under the long pathname alias, for this directory it usually is "Progra~1". And Windows isn't case sensitive, so you could use "program files" or "progra~1" if you like as well.

And it looks like there's no direct "istool.exe" executable but rather it be Java-based instead. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:07 pm
by ray.wurlod
Since I prefer the browser-based version, I use the shortcut that points to C:\IBM\InformationServer81\Clients\istools\manager\manager.exe