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Trying to use RTI Stage such as xml output, xmlinput

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:08 am
by suneelchallagali
Hi guys,

I am trying to convert data in xml into cvs file. job i have design is

source_file > Xml_input > sequential _file
I have designed the job as mentions in this link which is provided in dsxchange ... rallel_job

but when i am trying to run it job is getting aborted and throwing an error

ML_Input_16,0: Error: The column of the output link is relative.
XML_Input_16,0: ??
XML_Input_16,0: The runLocally() of the operator failed.
APT_CombinedOperatorController,0: Resource bundle corresponding to message key DSTAGE-TODC-00017 not found! Check that DSHOME or APT_RESPATH is set.
XML_Input_16,0: Input 0 consumed 0 records.

do i need to set any environment variables for using xml stage

Please any can guide me

Thank you

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:31 am
by chulett
Please be specific as to exactly what you are doing in the source Sequential File stage and your settings in the XML Input. How did you import the xml metadata, i.e. your XPath Expressions?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:37 am
by suneelchallagali
job is working fine i had figure it out. I am giving wrong path name user description column. I have changed to /xml/column_name/text().

And for new people working on xml stage

Steps to create xml table and xpath.

step1: go to import table and select table defination and click on xml table defination.
step2: xml meta data Importer page will open then click on file select the input xml file name then right click on th attribute and select auto match then automatically xpath will be created and later as you for saving the table defination.

If in case i got wrong in above steps forgive me since i am also new to this stage just now i figure it out so i though of posting it. since DSxhange Help
me ALOT!!!!!! :)

Thank you,

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:46 am
by suneelchallagali
Hey Chulett,

just now i saw your replay, Thanks for you concern and help.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:04 am
by chulett
No problem. Just as an FYI, importing the metadata from an xsd if you have one is preferable to importing from the xml itself.

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