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DRS stage error

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:08 am
by pratapsriram
The job has a simple transformation.
DRS(Source) -> Lookup -> Lookup -> Transform -> DRS(Target).

The job completes successfully with warnings.
The first warning is:
APT_CombinedOperatorController,0: Invalid character(s) ([xD1]) found converting string (code point(s): Warning: Trfm_STG_ADW_PROVIDER_PLAN_prov.STG_ADW_ProviderPlan: ProgramMRefId = 2...) from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting.

When I debug the job by 'view data' from the designer, I get the error:
Trfm_STG_ADW_PROVIDER_PLAN_prov..STG_Provider_Contract: Pin 1 not initialized
Trfm_STG_ADW_PROVIDER_PLAN_prov..STG_Provider_Contract.DSLink1: DSP.Close Error -100 in $DSP.Close.

Has anyone seen this error before? I tried searching the forum and could not find any posts. What does 'Pin1 not initialized' mean? Is this a job related error or an engine related error?

Any suggestions are greatful.


This is resolved

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:46 am
by pratapsriram
The above error is due to the mismatch between the NLS settings for the job during run time to the NLS setting in the Server map. A detailed article is given in this LINK. So to view data change the NLS setting of the DRS stage to Project Default and try the 'View Data'.