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dynamic metadata using target as ORACLE db

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:43 am
by dodda

i am wondering if i have different input files with varying metadata and if i have to map the fields to the target is it going to work? whether DB is going to generate dynamic sql in oracle stage.

my question is i have 2 files 1 with 5 columns and one with 6 columns i have created 2 schema files for each file and i am passing filename and schema as parameter to the sqfile stage. i have enbaled RCP at the job level.i havent defined any mapping in the transfomer. my target is DB where i have to insert the records.

my problem is when i am using file 1 which has 5 columns and inserting the records into DB i get error saying col6 is not defined in input dataset.

if i use file 1 i want to map only 5 fields to the target and if i use file 2 6 fields needs to be mapped to the target DB. is this possible since the target db has to create dynamic sql.

i have enabled RCP at job and project level.