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Code 14 - Explanation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:23 am
by bart12872

I have a problem I am unable to explain.

I developped 4 jobs sequence. They started together, at the same second.
Recently, the jobs finished aborted with a code 14 (ressource problem).
(jobs run ok 2 days ago)

If I run the job sequence one at a time, all finished ok.

So my questions are :

1- What ressource must I monitore to see if my jobs will aborted or not (process ?)
2 - Why jobs run failed since 2 days whereas they run ok before. ?


Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:27 am
by chulett
Have you tried searching here for the error message that comes with that code? It has been explained many many times.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:16 am
by bart12872
chulett wrote:Have you tried searching here for the error message that comes with that code? It has been explained many many times. ...
It's very very funny. Of course I searched in the forum. I found all the threads. Even, I found a thread post in 2004 june 10th. The response was pretty similar.

I know that the machine is overloaded. But I'd like to understand, given the fact that the machine is overloaded, where the problem come from.

In fact, for my jobs, that's not really a problem, I insert a sleep function to execute with a interval of 10 seconds ans it's ok.

I will explain what I do. In the administrator I activate enviroment variable of report (APT_PM_PLAYER_MEMORY, APT_PM_SHOW_PIDS), but I don't know how to interpret information regarding to the code 14.

Thanks for your help,

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:35 am
by chulett
Sorry, but there's no "of course" with the issue of searching the forums, most of the time people just post. So if you haven't explicitly said that you've searched, it's the first question you're going to get.

And if you've read all of the post here on the subject, I'm not sure what else anyone can add. It's a timeout. There is only some much the engine can do at once and a finite amount of time it will wait to hear back from something it has asked to be started saying that it has indeed been able to start. Take too long? Timeout error.