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XML Validation

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:49 am
by shukla_krishna
I am trying to Validate a XML file with the XSD through XMLINPUT Stage.

Mentioned the path of the XSD file in the XML file,
Given the reject link to capture the error message,
Mentioned as 'reject' for all types of validation errors,
Still I am unable to capture the error in reject , Job is getting aborted with 'SIGILL' Error when ran with invalid XML file..
But working fine with the Valid XML..

Guide me how to capture the error messages for all invalid XML files.


Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:07 pm
by eostic
"could" be a support issue..there were numerous issues with validation. Check with your support provider....and search thru here -- the subject has come up before. Someone else may have confirmed various symptoms as having patches.

In the meantime, what kinds of invalid are you looking for?


Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:15 pm
by shukla_krishna
eostic wrote:"could" be a support issue..there were numerous issues with validation. Check with your support provider....and search thru here -- the subject has come up before. Someone else may have confirmed various symptoms as having patches.

In the meantime, what kinds of invalid are you looking for?

Thanks for the promt reply,

I am trying to check wether the XML has
correct tags,
correct Datatypes,
required fields has values,
enumeration etc..

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:01 pm
by eostic
Ok....then you should be ok, but there may be some fix/patch issues to consider (again...suggest that you search thru the forum here and also call your support provider).

Also --- try it in a Server Job to see if there are any differences...there were situations in the past where it worked in one job type and not the other....

If it works there you may have a solution or at least can work on your strategy while researching the other.


Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:07 am
by shukla_krishna
eostic wrote:Ok....then you should be ok, but there may be some fix/patch issues to consider (again...suggest that you search thru the forum here and also call your support provider).

Also --- try it in a Server Job to see if there are any differences...there were situations in the past where it worked in one job type and not the other....

If it works there you may have a solution or at least can work on your strategy while researching the other.

I tried with Server Job as well .. But no use.
Is there any way to validate XML other then XMLTransformer and XML Input stage.Mean while I will contact support team for this issue.


Does any one have patch no for this fix

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:02 pm
by shukla_krishna
Does any one have patch no for this fix
shukla_krishna wrote:
eostic wrote:Ok....then you should be ok, but there may be some fix/patch issues to consider (again...suggest that you search thru the forum here and also call your support provider).

Also --- try it in a Server Job to see if there are any differences...there were situations in the past where it worked in one job type and not the other....

If it works there you may have a solution or at least can work on your strategy while researching the other.

I tried with Server Job as well .. But no use.
Is there any way to validate XML other then XMLTransformer and XML Input stage.Mean while I will contact support team for this issue.


Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:20 pm
by chulett
Your support provider?