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Loading files into Siebel in xml format

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:08 am
by pklcnu
Dear Experts

I got a requirement where I need to load the data from oracle tables to Siebel in XML format. How to do this ?

Your input will be much appreciated..........

Many Thanks

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:23 am
by chulett
You... extract the data from Oracle, convert it to XML using the XML Output stage and then invoke whatever loader utility Siebel uses. :?

Surely, however, you've been given more information than that? What the XML needs to look like? How to load that into Siebel? Kind of retarded if the answer is no. If you need help with the actual XML generation, we can do that, but everything else needs to come from whomever is giving you these rather nebulous 'requirements'.