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Error in table load

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:05 am
by tvsuresh

We are loading a table in our job from a sequential file.
Logic used in job: Seq file(Seq partitionin) -> Transformer(Auto Partitionin) -> DB2 Enterprise(DB2 Partitionin)
No routines used or no surrogate key generation done in this job.
The job ran fine in dev but the job failed in another env with the following error
"main_program: Internal Error: (k == numNodes): db2partutils.C: 773
Traceback: Could not obtain stack trace; check that 'gdb' and 'sed' are installed and on your PATH"
We are using upsert SQL to load the table.

Can you please let me know how to resolve this issue?


Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:52 am
by mgendy
How many records are read ? try to take sample od the file about 10 records , save them in a new file and then run your job on the sample data to check that the problem is not in number of records