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XML Job Key Issue

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:14 am
by VijayDS

I am trying to read the XML file but getting the below issue.

XML_Input_1,0: Error: No repetition element specified for link "DSLink4". Please make sure a column that contains the repetition path is set as key in the output link table definition.

Please let me know what is repetetion path set as key and suggest how I can resolve this.

My Job design is

ExternalSource---------->XML Input--------------->File

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:10 am
by Kayalbaskaran
You need to specify any one column (based on your requirement) as Key in the OUTPUT COLUMN tab.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:13 am
by VijayDS
Thanks Bhaskaran for your quick reply. I have specified int he Output columns now it's thrown another issue like below.

XML_Input_1,0: Error: The prefix 'bdt' is not declared.
expression = '/bdt:ExportRoot' Remaining tokens are: ('/')

Can someone help me on this how to declare this?

Kayalbaskaran wrote:You need to specify any one column (based on your requirement) as Key in the OUTPUT COLUMN tab.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:28 am
by eostic
that is a namespace prefix. How did you import your metadata...if you imported via the xml metadata importer, and you "loaded" your column names from the "load" button, be sure also to use the "load" button also in the Transformation settings/namespace tabs to include the namespace prefixes on your output link..........


Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:34 am
by parag.s.27
Have you ever worked with HTML or XML tags.

Actually you have to define the hierarchy structure.

For e.g

Customer Info/Cust Name
Customer Info/Cust Name/First Name
Customer Info/Cust Name/Last Name
Customer Info/Cust Addr
Customer Info/Cust Addr/Addr1
Customer Info/Cust Addr/Addr2

The output would be something like : -

<Customer Info>
<Cust Name>
<First Name>PHILLIP</First Name>
<Last Name>FERNANDES</Last Name>
</Cust Name>
<Addr1>123 XYZ road</Addr1>
<Addr2>LMN State</Addr2>
</Customer Info>

I've told you XML usage in very detailed manner. I think now you can decide upon type of data and data definition. Hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:30 am
by VijayDS
Thanks for all. It's worked fine after loading namespace declaration in the stage properties and also in the Output properties also.

eostic wrote:that is a namespace prefix. How did you import your metadata...if you imported via the xml metadata importer, and you "loaded" your column names from the "load" button, be sure also to use the "load" button also in the Transformation settings/namespace tabs to include the namespace prefixes on your output link..........
