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Error in dev_rfc.trc

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:05 pm
by dsedi
Hi All

I am trying to read IDOCs using SAP R/3 extract stage.
Somehow the IDOClistener is not creating IDOCs in the respective IDOC folder for the IDOC I select.

I am getting below error in

**** ERROR file opened at 20091027 144641 EDT, SAP-REL 700,0,192 RFC-VER 3 1037475 MT-SL
T:3086034640 Error in program 'dsidocsvr': ======> RFC FUNCTION DOES NOT EXIST! raised by external server

Is it becuase of librfc32.dll file or the program dsidocsvr ?

Please suggest


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:28 pm
by bollinenik
try triggering IDOC program first in SAP GUI, if it's working fine then it's problem with datastage, else SAP RFC settings needs to be configurd for datastage.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:52 pm
by dsedi
bollinenik wrote:try triggering IDOC program first in SAP GUI, if it's working fine then it's problem with datastage, else SAP RFC settings needs to be configurd for datastage.
Thanks for responding, I was able to test connection from SAP GUI. But it never genereates any IDOCs. Even I started the IDOClisterner and it shows

Starting the IDOC Listener for DataStage

Successful Connection

Waiting for outbound IDocs...

But beyond that nothing shows up
