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Sparse LookUp Requirement

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:08 am
by kool_cons
I want to know where do we use Sparse Lookup exactly. We are using Joins right now and want to replace with Sparse if the rows from Input are less compared to Lookup dataset. I dont know the exact ratio between Input/Reference. Is the sparse lookup good with 1 rows(input):20 rows(referenceLookup) or some other proven ratio?

Re: Sparse LookUp Requirement

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:37 am
by dsedi
kool_cons wrote:Hello,
I want to know where do we use Sparse Lookup exactly. We are using Joins right now and want to replace with Sparse if the rows from Input are less compared to Lookup dataset. I dont know the exact ratio between Input/Reference. Is the sparse lookup good with 1 rows(input):20 rows(referenceLookup) or some other proven ratio?
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