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How to open a job which is opened by some one else?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:04 am
by zulfi123786

If i need to open a job which has been opened by some one else how to do it? If the other person has changed the content then how to save it and then open at my end?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:21 am
by dr.murthy
there is only one way to invoke jobs,which are already opend by some one,find out the process id for corresponding job and then open that job.
specially there is no mechanism in datstage to fulfill your reqirement.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:31 am
by ArndW
Only one person can edit a job at time and be able to save it. You will need to wait for the other person to close their copy before you can make any changes to it.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:59 am
by chulett
From your end, all you may be able to do (if you have the permissions) is unlock their sesssion thus losing their changes and then you can open it.